Jetzt wird’s langsam witzig: nach dem ganzen Hin und Her die letzten Tage bekomme ich heute folgende E-Mail (und die muss ich hier komplett zitieren, sonst glaubt’s mir ja keiner…):
Dear publisher, We have considered the case where end user might bought this content when it was in maemo content type and will be unable to re-download the same content for free after migration of content, we decide to not go ahead with the migration of Maemo to Qt. Therefore, this content will be left in edit mode. Please do not modify or change this Qt content. Regards, Ovi publisher support
Kommando (halb) zurück, also. Das Chaos in meinem Account räumt mir aber wohl keiner auf.
Hier, Nokia, mein Vorschlag für die nächste Mail, zwecks eurem Handy-Ausschuss:
Dear customer, We have considered the case where end user might bought this device and will be unable to use it and be dissatisfied, we decided not to ahead with the production of mobile phones. Therefore, we will only build tires, rubber boots and raincoats again, from now. Regards, Ovi Tyres Support
Lustig, oder?

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I work since more than 20 years as a developer, product manager and AI lead with language technologies. Starting with speech recognition and machine translation I now focus on education in semantic technologies and LLMs.
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